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3 Ways To Allergy-Proof Your Home This Spring

Ft. Lauderdale Air QualityWe can't escape allergies when we step outside. However, we can stop it inside. While the home won't be allergy-free, these three tips below will reduce allergens greatly.

Cleaning the bathroom

The bathroom is an allergy haven. The wetness of the sink, toilet, bathtub, and condensation is a breeding ground for mold.

Clean the bathroom sink, vanity, bathtub, shower, floor, and toilet with soap and water or a non-toxic mold cleaner.

Ventilate the room with fans, ceiling fans, an open window, or an open door after using the shower or tub. Check the pipes under the sink or vanity for possible leaks.

Repair those leaks if they exist. If there's mold on pipes or fixtures, scrub it off with soap and water or a nontoxic mold cleaner.

Clean dirty clothes, linens, carpets, and rugs

Wet clothes and dry clothes worn outdoors will stir up allergies indoors. Remove those garments immediately, wash those garments and take a shower.

As for the bed, furniture, curtain, and kitchen linens, wash and change those linens once a week in warm or hot water. Dirt and dust build up even if the linen looks clean.

Rugs and carpets trap dirt deep within the material. It requires a steam cleaner and a vacuum to keep the rug free of allergens. Heat is the solution to get rid of dirt in carpets and rugs, and shampoos aren't hot enough to eliminate the dirt.

Clean the air

While you cannot take soap and water to scrub the air, there are other options to keep the air clean. Ventilation circulates stuffy air and replaces it with fresh air.

Use air vents, ductwork, and doors for fresh air into the home. If you prefer to open a window, keep windows closed early in the morning and on windy days.Ft. Lauderdale Air

Air filters in air conditioning systems stop allergens from escaping the air conditioner. Replace air filters in air conditioners when dirty.

Stop mold, pollen, and debris from forming in wet and dry environments by maintaining the humidity level at 50%. Finally, don't use a duster to remove dirt and dust because it contributes to the dirty air causing the allergies.

There are more ways to turn your home into a no-allergy zone. However, the three suggestions are a great start.

People suffering from allergies will appreciate breathing and living in a clean home as long as these tips are continuous throughout the allergy season.

Constantly sneezing in your Ft. Lauderdale home? Call AAA Modern Air at 954-921-4486 today, and breathe in the fresh air.