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What Homeowners Need To Know About Air Cleaners

Maintaining healthy air quality in the home is vital. Without clean air, homeowners are more susceptible to illnesses of the lungs and heart, not to mention irritating allergies and asthma symptoms. Even if they spend most of their days outside of the home, everyone will still spend nights in bed and breathing the air, which can affect their sleep.

Those looking for a better solution to good indoor air quality should look no further than a UV air sanitizer or air purifier. Both appliances work to keep the home's air clear of impurities all year round. Read on to learn more about each system.

What Are UV Air Sanitizers and Air Purifiers?

air sanitizers & air purifiers

The terms "UV air sanitizer" and "air purifier" seem somewhat similar, but these two units are quite different in functionality. They both have the same end goal, though: to cleanse the home of any impurities in the air.

Below is a description of what each appliance does:

  • Air Purifier: An air purifier is a separate unit that homeowners can move throughout their home. It can go in any room and works by pulling the air nearby through its filter. Once air circulates through the filter, the clean air is pushed back out to the room once again.
  • UV Air Sanitizer: Unlike an air purifier, a UV air sanitizer is placed directly into the return of the HVAC unit. This appliance is simply a UV light that burns away any airborne impurities in the unit.

What Are the Common Benefits of Each?

Although these two appliances seem quite similar, they also have their advantages and disadvantages that make them unique. One might be a better option than the other. However, homeowners might be better off to invest in both to ensure the air quality is where it needs to be. 

writing benefits

Some benefits of an air purifier are: 

  • Eliminates allergens
  • Removes triggers for asthma
  • Traps tobacco 
  • Removes asbestos particles

Benefits of a UV air sanitizer are: 

  • Eliminates 98% of pathogens in the air
  • Reduces the growth of bacteria and fungi
  • Helps to fight against mold growth
  • Kills common viruses

Signs a Home Needs Air Cleaning

confused woman

In short, yes, everyone could use a UV air sanitizer or air purifier in their life. The air people breathe is just as important as the water they drink, if not more important. With the help of these two appliances, no one has to worry about their air quality. Not only that, but they require very little maintenance to function efficiently. 

Investing in a UV air sanitizer or an air purifier will also save money on hospital bills because homeowners won't get sick as often! Keep the household safe from illnesses and invest in good air quality today!

About AAA Modern Air

For homeowners in need of professional Dania Beach HVAC services, look no further than the experts at AAA Modern Air. They are there for their customers regardless of the problem. Call today to schedule an appointment and learn more about air quality initiatives.